Michael Pribich
99 Canal St. 3A, NYC 10002
sky7@mindspring.com 917.509.0239
The awful ache I feel when reminded of the dehumanized treatment of workers and human beings anywhere in the world pushes my art practice. Labor is the starting point, but my interest overlaps both the treatment, and contributions of humans anywhere. My Mother’s parents immigrated from Mexico, and worked as farm and cannery workers. This family history shapes many of my ideas and informs my art. My core belief is that in recognizing labor as cultural production there becomes an expanded social space.
Michael Pribich was born and raised in Northern California. He lives in New York City with his wife Esperanza Cortes. He received a BA degree from Sacramento State University and MFA degree from Hunter College, NY. He is interested in the artist's role in advancing ideas that lead to continual growth and change. He explores the idea that labor can be viewed as cultural production, resulting in an expanded social space.
He has completed projects with the Public Works departments in Sacramento and Woodland, California. 2015-2018 projects and exhibitions include: Travel and study project locations include India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Guadalajara and Hong Kong. Solo exhibitions; Labor Days, Cuchifritos Gallery, NY, Centerfield, Webb School, Knoxville, Tn. Group exhibitions at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Mocad, Detroit, Orange County Cultural Center and Flux Art Fair, NY. He was an artist resident at 360 Xochi Quetzal in Chapala Mexico, Jentel Residency, Sheridan, Wy; travel residencies in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Guadalajara.
In addition to producing artwork he has been employed as a forest firefighter, logger, prison instructor, house painter, waiter, art handler and art courier.
Exhibitions, Events
2022: The Shape Of Things To Come, Jadite Gallery New York, https://jadite.com/openings drawings and sculptures informed by Mexican labor history
2021: Art and Remembrance Workshop. “Rememory 1992-2022: 30 years of remembrance through art in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In-person workshop with Aida Šehović, and exhibition in conjunction with Kuma International and Brodac Gallery / Sarajevo.
2021: New York Foundation for the Arts, City Artist Corps Grant
2021: Vida, Muerte, Justicia, Ogden Contemporary Arts, Ogden, Utah
Curators Jorge Rojas and Maria Del Mar Gonzalez
2021: Nars Foundation Residency and Exhibition, Brooklyn, NY
Curated by Elisa Gutierrez
Backstitch, exhibition catalog accompanying the Ali Youssefi Project and exhibition and at Verge Center for the Arts, Sacramento, CA, 2019
Unreliable Narrator, 2017, Art House. http://www.lulu.com/shop/art-house-gallery/unreliable-narrator/hardcover/product-23356499.html
Artvoices, "Invisible" by Emily Colucci, Winter 2016 http://www.michaelpribich.com/files/artvoices_michael_pribich.pdf
15 Bytes, Dollar Daze at Mestizo Arts, "If you see something say something" by Geoff Wichert, June 2012 http://artistsofutah.org/15bytes/12june/page1.html
Art 21, Nicole Caruth, 2012 http://blog.art21.org/2011/12/23/gastro-vision-it-was-a-sweet-year/
Houston Press, Hank Hancock, 2011 http://www.houstonpress.com/arts/project-row-houses-hosts-delicious-peace-through-pies-6370662
Gastronomica, Letter to the Editor, 2011 https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/gfc.2012.11.4.1?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Houston Press, Tony Schultz, 2011 http://www.houstonpress.com/arts/three-reasons-to-see-round-34-a-matter-of-food-6373142
Latina Magazine, Angie Romero, 2009 http://www.latina.com:80/blogs/get-cultured/mexican-every-kitchen
Visionary Drawing Building, Maximilian Goldfarb and Matt Bua, 2009 http://drawingbuilding.com:80/work/?id=45&type=&search_terms=
Your Document Please, 2009-2010 http://yourdocumentsplease.com/pages/catalog/pribich.html
Hamptons.com, Joan Blum, 2008 http://www.hamptons.com/article.php?articleID=5069
New York Times, William Zimmer, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/1996/10/20/nyregion/honoring-women-as-keepers-of-the-home.html
Lehman College of CUNY, Patricia Thompson and Susan Hoeltzel, 1993 http://www.lehman.cuny.edu:80/vpadvance/artgallery/gallery/close_to_home/hestia_essay.htm
Webb School
Knoxville, TN
Campus Center Art Gallery
University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hi
C.N. Gorman Museum
University of California, Davis, CA
City of Sacramento Department of Public Works
Sacramento, CA
Woodland Public Library
Woodland, CA
MFA, Hunter College
City University New York, New York, NY
BA, California State University
Sacramento, CA
Selected and Upcoming
The Shape Of Things To Come, Jadite Gallery New York, https://jadite.com/openings, 2022
Backstitch, Verge Center for the Arts, Sacramento, in conjunction with Ali Youssefi Project. 2019-2020
Border Island, Portal Governors Island, Governors Island, NYC, NY, 2019
Mineral Steam, duo exhibition with Esperanza Cortes, Border Project Space, Curated by Jamie Martinez, Brooklyn, NY, 2019
Centerfield, Webb School Gallery, Knoxville, Tn, 2015
Labor Days, Cuchifritos Gallery, NYC, 2015
My Labor, Your Culture, House Gallery, Philadelphia, 2014
A Feather in Each Hand, with Esperanza Cortes, Taller Boricua, NYC, curated by Marcos Dimas, 2014
Cocineros, A Mexican In Every Kitchen, Casa Mezcal, New York, curated by Martin Capella, 2013
Dollar Daze, with Esperanza Cortes, Mestizo Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT, curated by Jorge Rojas, 2012
Matter of Food, Round 34 Exhibition and Residency, Project Row Houses, Houston, Texas, curated by Ashley Clemmer Hoffman and Linda Shearer, 2011
Tall Tales & Other Truths; Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ, 2023
Rememory 1992-2022: 30 years of remembrance through art in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brodac Gallery, Sarajevo, 2022
Vida, Muerte, Justicia; Ogden Contemporary Arts, Ogden, Ut. Curators Maria Del Mar Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Jorge Rojas, 2021
Nars Foundation Residency Exhibition, Brooklyn, NY, 2021
Arsenal Gallery Presents the 38th Annual Wreath Interpretations Exhibition (digital) New York, NY, 2020
SaveArtSpace x Art at a Time Like This, Ministry of Truth 1984-2020, curator Barbara Pollock, New York, NY, 2020
Remake / Remodel, RSOAA, New York, curated by Amelia Biewald and Jason Clay https://rsoaa.com/exhibitions/remake-remodel/ ,2020
Art Off Screen, NYC, organized by Eileen Jeng Lynch, 2020
LatinX Identity Exhibition, Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, NY. Curator Rosalina Diaz. 2019
Therefore I Am, Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, curator Meghan Doherty, Assistant Curator Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) 2019
Concrete and Adrift: On The Poverty Line, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, La. curated by Megan Valentine. 2019
Unlikely Materials and the Language of Art, Krasdale Foods, White Plains NY; Hunts Point, Bronx, NY, 2019 curated by Patricia Zarete,Kirsten Kucer, Joan Mellon, Lynn Truncale
Sangam, Rishikesh Creative Confluence Artist in Residence Exhibition, Uttra Gallery, Rishikesh, India, 2019
Parsing Sign and Image, Vets Gallery, Providence, RI curator Kaveh Mojtaba, 2018
Tiny Acts Topple Empires, Woskob Gallery, Pennsylvania State University, 2018
Representing the West, A New Frontier, Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, CO, 2018
Unreliable Narrator, Art House, Jersey City, NJ, curated by Arthur Bruso & Raymond Mingst, 2017
Selections: NYC, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, San Luis Obispo, CA, curated by Bill Weiss & Ruta Saliklis, 2017
Juan Rulfo Turns One Hundred / Juan Rulfo Cumple Cien, AAA3A Gallery, Bronx, NY, curated by Virginia Grise & Blanka Amezkua, 2017
Mexico: At the Cross Roads, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, curated by Mary Gagler, 2017
Allusions, JCC Harlem, New York, NY, curated by Leanne Stella, Art in Flux, 2017
Bringing Brooklyn To Norfolk, Gallery 21, Norfolk, VA, curated by Patrick Todd, 2016
Converging Visions, Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, NY, curated by Maria Dominguez, video interview, 2016
60 Americans, Makeshift Museum, Los Angeles, CA, curated by Terrence Sanders, 2016
Flux Art Fair New York, Blue Elegy, curated by Leanne Stella, 2016
Speak Out, Bronx Art Space, curated by Linda Cunningham, Eva Mayhabal Davis, Dalaeja Foreman, 2016, http://www.bronxartspace.com/upcoming-1/2016/1/20/speak-out
Generations: Forty Shades of Black and White, Orange County Cultural Center, curated by Din Q Le, 2015 http://www.occca.org/2015-12.html
Culinary, Bronx River Art Center, 2015, curated by Gail Nathan http://www.bronxriverart.org/gallery-archive.dcfm?recordID=67
Bronx Speaks: Making Place, Bronx Museum of the Arts, 2015
Holiday Delights, Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, 2013
Bushwick Open Studios, Labor Is The Journey, 2013
Freedom Now, The Pursuit of Justice For All, curated by Gwendolyn Black, presented by Senator Adriano Espaillat, Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building, Harlem, 2013
Eye 4 Eye, Living Arts of Tulsa, curated by Walt Kosty, 2012
Faces of The Economy, Art For Change, New York, NY curated by Alyssa Fridgen, 2011
International Public Service Conference, New York University Robert Wagner School of Public Service, 2011
Your Documents Please, Alma in Manhattan, curated by Daniel Georges, Rumi Tsuda, catalog, 2010
Gateway: An Artistic Response to the Immigration Crisis, Harlem Gateway II, New York, NY, curators Christine Licata, Alyssa Fridge, 2010
Hacia Afuera, Art and Music Festival, East Harlem, NY, Curators Alyssa Fridgen, Christine Licata, 2010
Babel, Space 37, curated by Hector Canonge, Queens, New York, 2010
Mano a Mano, Lunar Eclipse, curator Luz Aguirre, Hispanic Federation, NYC, 2010
Beyond Mountains There Art Mountains, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, Galerie Haiti, North Adams, Ma, 2010
Open Kitchen, DA Gallery, New York, NY, 2010
Haiti: Beyond Mountains There Are Mountains, Art for Change Gallery, New York, NY, 2010
Visionary Drawing Building, curated by Matt Bua, Max Goldfarb, part of "Cribs" installation by Matt Bua, Mass Moca, N. Adams, Mass, 2009
Your Documents Please, Galeria Ajolote, Arte Contemporaneo Guadalajara, Mexico, 2009
Your Documents Please, Galeria Z, Brataslava Slovakia, 2009
Your Documents Please, Galeria Kurt Im Hirsh, Berlin, Germany, 2009
Your Documents Please, Galerie Zaim, Yokohama Japan, 2009
What Can Brown Do For You?, Solar Contemporary Art, curated by Esperanza Leon, East Hampton, NY, 2008
The Idea of Nature, 33 Bond St Gallery, NYC, curated by Bill Weiss, 2008
Your Documents Please, 2B Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 2008
Your Documents Please, Museum of Arts and crafts, Itami-shi Hyogo, Japan, 2008
Your Documents Please, Zaim, Yokohama, Japan, 2008
Trout Fishing in America, Solomon Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, CA, 2002
25 years of the Gorman Museum, CN Gorman Museum, Davis CA, 2002
Uber Quilts, Longwood Art Center, Bronx, NY, 2001
Bridging the Gap, Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park, Brooklyn, NY, 2000
AACM Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois, 2000
Stucco Factory Show, Center for Contemporary Art, Sacramento, CA, 1999
Mega-Salon Portrait Show, Jorgenson Gallery, curated by Brandon Ballangee, New York, NY, 1998
In Sites IV, Henry Street Abrons Art Center, New York, NY, 1998
Close to Home, Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY, 1996
Solid State, Robert Costa curator, Morgan Industrial Center,Jersey City, NJ, 1995
Night of 1000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York, NY, 1995
The Matchbook Show, CBGB Gallery, New York, NY, 1995
Ellis Island Artifact Project, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair,New Jersey, 1991
KVIE Public Television Exhibition, KVIE TV, Sacramento, Ca, 1990
Fido Gallery presents Michael Pribich, Fido Gallery, Sacramento, Ca, 1989
Exhibition 87, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, Ca, 1987
Autumn Arts 36, Auburn Arts Center, Auburn, Ca, 1987
Crocker Kingsley Annual, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, 1985
Pacific States Print and Drawing Exhibition, University of Hawaii, Hilo, 1985
National invitational Exhibition, University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii, 1984
Pine Meadow Mountain Residency, Sisters, OR, 2023
Art and Remembrance Workshop (in person) / Gallery Kuma / Gallery Broadac, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021
NYFA City Artist Corps Award, 2021
Nars Summer Residency 2021, Brooklyn, NY 2021
Mighty Few, Public Art project working Mighty Few Community, Wyola, Montana 2018-
Jentel Fellowship, Jentel Artist Residency Program, Sheridan, Wy, 2016
360 Xochil Quetzal Artist Residency, Chapala, Mexico, 2015
Agency For Spiritual Guest Work In The Service of Visualizing, Virtual Residency, 2015
Webb School Artist in Residence, Knoxville, Tn, 2015
Project Row Houses, Round 34, A Matter of Food, Houston, Tx 2011
Tanteo Award, curated by Angie Romero, Harry Stendahl, Aldo Sanchez, 2009
Fulbright Research Award Nomination, Yugoslavia 1988
Pollock Krasner Award, Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, NY, 1988
Outdoor sculpture commission, Woodland Public Library, Woodland, CA, 1987
2nd Place Achievement Award, Auburn Arts 36, Auburn, CA, 1987
Outdoor Sculpture Commission, Robla Reservoir, Sacramento Public Works Department, Sacramento, CA, 1986
Juror's Award, University of Hawaii, 1985
1985 Pacific States Print and Drawing Exhibition, curated by George Longfish, Hilo, Hawaii
Purchase Award, National Invitational Exhibition, University of Hawaii, curated by Oliver Jackson, Hilo, Hawaii,
Best of Show Award, Woodland Art Center, "Annual Juried show", Woodland, CA, 1983